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SENSApp is your patient safety app in Anesthesia, Critical Units and throughout the perioperative pe...

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SENSApp is your patient safety app in Anesthesia, Critical Units and throughout the perioperative period. SENSAR (, a non-profit entity that promotes patient safety, has developed this application.It includes tools such as checklists, an important part of the CRISIS MANUAL in Anesthesia and SENSAR Critical Patients, a dose calculation tool, a configurable local security phonebook,SENSApp includes the following sections:- CHECK IT: A section of checklists that includes recommendations for the maintenance of normothermia in the operating room, the WHO surgical checklist, the recommended previous checks before an anesthetic and a list of perioperative patients transference ( SBAR).- Excerpt from the CRISIS MANUAL in Anesthesia and Critical Patients SENSAR: Actions of a large part of the cognitive aids of crisis situations included in the manual with a dose calculator.- Local telephones: a configurable local telephone directory with no limit to include local extensions of hospital internal telephones- My SENSApp, which allows the user to include local security documents (protocols, cognitive aids, bibliography) in photo format (JPG) or PDF.- A section of SENSAR that includes: an introduction to the system, web links for patient safety, access to PITELO (online tool for reporting incidents from hospitals affiliated with the SENSAR network) and news that can be subscribed through the email.SENSAR:The acronym SENSAR corresponds to the Spanish System of Notification in Safety in Anesthesia and Resuscitation, a non-profit scientific association created in 2009 for the management of the first national system for learning safety incidents in anesthesia and resuscitation in the Spanish language. In more than ten years of existence, SENSAR has become, in addition, a network of professionals working with educational, informative, and innovative activities with the aim of promoting Patient Safety in the field of anesthesia, the critical patient and the treatment of pain. SENSAR collaborates with the Spanish Society of Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Treatment (SEDAR), the Spanish Society of Pain (SED), the Chilean Anesthesiology Society (SACh), the Uruguayan Society of Anesthesiology and the "Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation" ( apsf), as well as with many other national and international companies in different projects. .It also organizes different courses on patient safety. One of the strategic lines is the best management of crisis situations in anesthesia and the critical patient, so in 2016 he developed the first edition of the SENSAR Anesthesia and Critical Patient Crisis Manual (ISBN 9788491130741).PITELO is the online tool of the multihospital system for communication and analysis of patient safety incidents. Through PITELO, all the hospitals registered in SENSAR can share the communications, their analyzes and adopted measures. Its name refers to the acronym of the main contributing factors that are analyzed in the incidents: Patient, Individual, Task, Team, Workplace and Organization.